About Me


Hi, I am Lisa the founder of Tilly Mint Creates.  From a small Cheshire market town called Sandbach I run my business from home.

Tilly was originally created back in 2013 following my maternity leave with my youngest daughter, originally Tilly products were predominantly custom made rag dolls and toys, however, over the years my crafting has evolved and included more than just toys.

Being a crafter, I am always trying new things and over recent years I have learnt many new skills, my partner would say too many new skills as our home gets smaller and my craft supplies multiply. There has always been a passion with creating, as a child I learnt from my mum the skill of knitting.  Mum was an amazing knitter and her creations clothed many babies across Cheshire and Merseyside.

I was desperate to learn the art of crochet but sadly my mum did not have this skill and whilst off work on maternity leave I toddled off to YouTube with a 99p hook and £1 ball of bargain store yarn to learn yet another new skill. The rest as they say is history and my passion of crochet was created.

As with many people 2020 was a year of a global pandemic and a reason for many to reprioritise what was important. It became obvious to me during the pandemic that the skills I had learnt and the passion I have should not be wasted and should be pushed into my lifelong dream which would take my business in an exciting new direction!

My business now offers many items for sale and operates its shop on both Etsy and this website. This site will be the home of luxury handmade crochet items, tools and supplies.  It will be updated regularly and will show you all of my new creations as and when they are launched.

My Blog will provide you with information on how you too can learn to crochet and my YouTube channel will also be available to show you in video format lessons on how to crochet, should you wish to learn too.