Learn to Crochet - Essential Tools

So now you know how to select your yarn, the next step is to look at all the other additional tools that you may need.  Again I would like to relay that Crochet is not an expensive hobby, additional items can be purchase from many bargain stores, Amazon or eBay.

Following your yarn choice you will discover that there are a huge selection of hooks.  Hooks can be made in many different materials, from steel, to bamboo to plastic.  All have their benefits and pitfalls but it is important for you to find one that suits you best. 

The most important thing to remember is that your hook should feel like an extension of your arm, at no point should you get any aches or pains in your wrist, hand, or elbow.  If you do it may be that you need to look at a more ergonomic hook, one with a chunkier handle. 

Newbie crocheters have a tendency to put a lot of strain on their hook when they are learning.  For this reason I would always recommend a hook with a solid shaft and handle, If you are wanting to travel however, some airlines will not permit metal hooks, so you would need to look at a hook made of plastic or bamboo. 

With regards to other tools there are just a couple that I would suggest are essential.  You will already have most of them in your home.  The video below discusses what items are essential and which are nice to have.