So you want to be able to crochet?

So you want to be able to start a new hobby?  Congratulations you have come to the right place!

Now this is the point where I should warn you that crochet and crochet tools are likely to take over your life and become some what addictive. 

The ability to crochet is a fantastic skill, not only is there a sense of achievement when you finish an item, not only is there joy in giving those items to loved ones, but crocheting is also good for helping you unwind and become more mindful.  What could be more pleasing to the mind than arms full of soft, squishy yarn in a variety of colours?

So how do we start this process?  well first and foremost lets address the issue of what tools you will need. 

Selecting your tools can be overwhelming particularly when looking at some online retailers, it needn't be, you will be pleased to know that crochet doesn't need to be an expensive hobby, I started my journey with a 99p hook and a £1 ball of yarn. 

So lets talk about yarn, where do you even start when purchasing for your project? in the video below I will give you some hints and tips on what yarns are most suitable.